Course curriculum

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    Chapter 1. Dogs - The Basics

    • Modern Breeding & Artificial Selection

    • Planning for a New Puppy

    • Training - why understanding how your dog thinks and feels is so important

    • Positive Reward Based Training

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    Chapter 2. Caring and Working with Your Dog for Canine Assisted Therapy

    • Essential Dog Welfare Guidelines for Therapy Dogs

    • Listening and Being Present to Your Dog

    • The Effect of The Therapy Environment on Your Dog

    • Download - A trigger stacking record for you and your dog

    • Dealing with Stress & Anxiety in the Context of Canine Assisted Therapy – A final note.

    • Canine Enrichment - Important for a 'Working Dog'

    • SCAS-AAI-Code-of-Practice-August-2019

    • The Importance of a Temperament Assessment

    • Simulated Assessment for Mossie - Part One

    • Simulated Assessment with Mossie - Part two

    • Vaccinations and Transference of Zoonotic diseases

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    Chapter 3. Canine Assisted Learning Support - Reading Dogs

    • Conducting a Learning Support Session - Paw by Paw

    • Puppy Dog Tails - Dr Helen Lewis - Programme Director: Swansea University School of Education

    • Animal assisted education reading dogs research report 2018 - Dr Helen LewisProgramme Director: ITE/ BA(Hons) Education & Education Joint Honours Swansea University School of Education

    • Canines in classSENCO - Dr Helen Lewis Programme Director: ITE/ BA(Hons) Education & Education Joint Honours Swansea University School of Education

    • Animal assisted education reading dogs research report 2018 - Dr Helen LewisProgramme Director: ITE/ BA(Hons) Education & Education Joint Honours Swansea University School of Education

    • What volunteering with my dog has meant to me - words by Kim Jameson with Toby and Willow

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    Chapter 5. Canine Assisted Therapy - Essential Training Behaviours Silver Level Sarah's Video Box

    • Canine Assisted Therapy - Essential Training Behaviours.

    • Send to Mat or place.

    • Send your dog to a mat or bed- Adding distance

    • Leave it

    • Stay

    • Stop Jumping Up (Four Paws on the floor)

    • Wait at the door or gate.

    • Controlled Loose Lead Walking

    • Developing positive associations towards unusual equipment.

    • Recall from a distraction

    • Recall Games

    • Road Walking- Relaxed lead walking in the street .

    • Recall from a Wait

    • Stay- Adding distractions and duration (Proofing)

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    Chapter 6. TDT UK Certification - The Assignments

    • The TDT UK - Visiting Therapy Dog Certificate

    • The Case Study - Assignment 1

    • The M.O.U - Assignment 2

    • Bark & Read - Standards of Practice

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    Chapter 7. TDT UK Certification Temperament Assessment/Dog Training Consultation

    • The TDT UK - Visiting Therapy Dog Temperament Assessment and Dog Training Consultation

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    Chapter 8. TDT UK Certification - Dog Training Award

    • TDT UK - Visiting Therapy Dog - Sarah's Video Box Introduction

    • TDT UK - Visiting Therapy Dog Certificate (Dog Training Award)

    • TDT - Sit

    • TDT- Down

    • TDT- Loose Lead Walking

    • TDT Wait, Gate or Doorway

    • TDT Wait and Recall

    • TDT - Send to Mat and Stay

    • TDT Stay - 1 minute

    • TDT-Street Walk

    • TDT - Call away from Distraction

    • TDT - Leave it

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    Chapter 9 Practical - tricks and fun things to delight your clients

    • Tricks & interventions to delight your clients

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    Chapter 10 Delivering your service - The essential documents and some templates to download

    • Risk Assessment Outline Download

    • Memorandum of Understanding - A template for you to adapt and amend as your own

    • Consent Form - Simple Example

    • Insurance

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    Resources: Understanding the world of dogs helping humans - AAI & AAT (Some info repeated from Workshop 1)

    • Understanding Dogs Helping Humans - AAI & AAT

    • Resource Pack - Dogs helping humans - suggested reading & research papers

    • The Wonderful World of Support Dogs

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    • Thanks and Credits