Course curriculum

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    Fun & Games Silver Level

    • Fun & Games Silver - Practical Tutorials - Introduction

    • Fun & Games Silver Week/Lesson 1

    • Cleanliness, ID, collar, lead and equipment

    • Wait for recall

    • Controlled greeting

    • Stay-proofing

    • Stay on Lead - 2 minutes

    • Fun & Games Silver Week/Lesson 2

    • Play with Your Dog

    • Recall from Distractions

    • Examination of Dog

    • Vehicle Manners

    • Road Walk

    • Food Manners-Leave it

    • Fun & Games Silver Level Week/Lesson 3

    • Go-around

    • Walk off lead

    • Send to mat-adding distance

    • Paw or Nose Target

    • A Walk in the Park

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    UK Kennel Club Good Citizen Silver Award Test Requirements

    • Fun & Games Silver Week/Lesson 4

    • Preparation for a Kennel Club Good Citizen Silver Award Assessment

    • Kennel Club Good Citizen - Demonstration Tutorials of Silver Award Test Exercises

    • Cleanliness, ID, collar, lead and equipment

    • Play with Your Dog

    • Road Walk

    • Recall at 10 paces

    • Stay for 2 minutes

    • Vehicle Manners

    • Come away from distractions

    • Controlled Greeting

    • Food Manners

    • Examination of the dog