Course curriculum

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    Chapter 2: Bringing home a new puppy or rehoming a dog

    • Adopting a Dog.

    • Factors to take into consideration when adopting a dog

    • Understanding Modern Breeding & Artificial Selection

    • Planning for the arrival of a new puppy!

    • Puppy Biting and Chewing

    • Puppy Toilet Training

    • Crate Training - A safe place to sleep for your dog.

    • Preventing Separation Anxiety - Helping your dog to get used to being left alone.

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    Chapter 3: Keeping you and your dog within the Law

    • Animal Welfare Acts

    • Code of Practice for Animal Welfare - for you to download

    • Controlling your Dog in Public Places

    • The Dangerous Dog Act UK - 1991

    • TDT UK and our response to requests to train dangerous breeds

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    As your dog matures into adulthood

    • The Importance of Training

    • Considering how your dog thinks and feels can affect your training

    • How your dog learns and the best way to teach him?

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    Chapter 4: Learn to look out and care for your dog

    • Listening and Being Present to Your Dog

    • Canine Assisted Therapy - dealing with stress and anxiety in your dog

    • A trigger stacking record for you and your dog

    • Canine Enrichment - Important for a 'Working Dog'

    • Final Note: Achieving a work life balance for your dog

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    Sarah's Video Box 1: Introduction to Training/Bronze level for Puppy and Older Dogs

    • Practical Tutorials - Introduction to Training Course for Puppy and Adult Dog

    • Week 1 - The Basics

    • Marking and reinforcing a new behaviour (Click & Treat)

    • Confidence Building Games

    • Collar Versus Harness

    • The Name Game

    • Meet & Greeting a New Dog

    • Week 2- Teach your dog to come back to you

    • Recall Games - Triangle Recall

    • Recall Games - Ping Pong Recall

    • Restrained Recall

    • Recall and Collar Touch

    • Week 3

    • Luring

    • Lure to Sit

    • Lure to down

    • Loose Lead Walking Games

    • Swap

    • Week 4

    • Examination of the dog - Handling and Inspection

    • Food Manners- How to deliver treats safely

    • Hand Touch

    • Lead Walking (Next Steps)

    • Stay

    • Week 5

    • Stop Jumping Up (Four Paws on the floor)

    • Stop Jumping up (The Sitting Game)

    • Wait

    • Down

    • Stand

    • Week 6

    • Stay- Adding distractions and duration

    • Wait at the door or gate.

    • Impulse Control Games - THINK!

    • Paw or Nose Target

    • Controlled Walk Amongst People and Dogs

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    Sarah's Video Box 2: Silver Level/Gold level

    • Week 1- Calling your Dog back to you.

    • Recall with your dog being held gently

    • Recall from a Wait

    • Come away from a distraction

    • Recall from a distraction

    • Road Walking- Relaxed lead walking in the street .

    • Week 2 - Using a Settle Mat

    • Send to Mat or place.

    • Send your dog to a mat or bed- Adding distance

    • Send To Mat and Stay. Use as a settle mat in a cafe.

    • Send to mat from 10 paces

    • Week 3- Working off lead

    • Remove lead and wait for release cue

    • Walk off Lead

    • A Walk in the Park

    • Stop The Dog - Emergency Stop

    • Stay on lead for 2 minutes

    • Week 4-Food Refusal, Leave it

    • Leave it

    • Food refusal from hand or floor.

    • Leave it - Food manners passed someone who is eating.

    • Food refusal from a bowl - wait for cue

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    Chapter 5: Interventions for an Owner Trained Family Therapy Dog

    • Special Interventions/ways your dog can help.

    • Pulling something with his mouth.

    • Taking off socks or gloves

    • Take off my jacket

    • Opening a door or cupboard

    • Closing a door or cupboard

    • Picking up or fetching an item

    • Door Confidence and Manners

    • Leaning in or cuddling up to you.

    • Chin or head rest for your comfort

    • And now for some fun! 'Go Around'

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    And finally...

    • And finally